
Unique combination of esthetics and medicine
The method was first implemented by Michel Pistor in Paris in 1952. This was the painless procedure of microinjection, during which used were pharmaceutics preparations, vegetative extracts and vitamins.
The modern mesotherapy is a micro dose surface injection using tiny needles, unique for each patients needs cocktail (0,5mm-6mm). The procedure gives the possibility to put the vitamins directly to the derma (mesoderm), where they cannot reach when made applications of ointment or lotions.
As a result of the cocktail getting, improved is the blood circulation, the under-derma fat tissue is destroyed, activates are processes of regeneration and metabolism, it is possible to inject the needed quantity of the preparation, the derma becomes more strained and the person looks younger and healthier ever.
The curing mesotherapy process has a universal effect and it can be used for solving different problems.
The mesotherapy advantages:
- the local effect substance injection in the problematic zone;
- wide spectrum of effectiveness and high quality;
- natural and safe materials used;
- general health improvement after the course conduction (mood, sleep improvement);
- preparation effect prolonged having its recourses made;
- no age limitations or strict counter-indication (the main counter-indication – pregnancy or the needle fear);
- optimal setting with other cosmetic and therapeutic procedures;
- no rehabilitation period.

One of the main parts of the duly conducted mesotherapy is the correctly made cocktail. For this purpose used are the solutions prepared using the laboratory experience as well as the patient’s problem solving cocktail. In any case, one must take into account the individual reaction of the patients during the procedure. That’s why it must be conducted by the qualified and experienced doctor.
The reasons for alopecia are different: hormonal disbalanse, diseases had, lack of ferric, magnum, zinc and selenium and stress. The mesotherapy is very effective in elimination of diffusive, androgen, telogen alopecia. The result is conditioned not only by the therapeutic effect of the solution, but also by the local nerves distortion, including the blood vessels and immunocomplement cells. This makes active the immunity and empowers the hair follicle. The mesotherapy procedure use without the preliminary research gives only temporary effects.
During the alopecia treatment after several minutes on the cells level the inflammatory changes begin: the blood vessels first become narrowed, then - widened, the blood cells (leucocytes, erythrocytes, fibroblasts) come out of the capillary walls, enter the cell space and are accrued there; fibroblasts, getting active by the biologically active molecules, intensively work out the growth factor. Finally, the process influences the hair follicle, derma structure and consequently favors the growth of healthy, structurally improved new hair. The hair becomes brilliant and deep-colored. During the mesotherapy dermatologists often prescribe the additional medicines and outer ointments.